I'm Faraja,

innovator and educator.

pic of Faraja in home office


I am a Software Developer and a veteran Teacher.

I ♡ game nights, history, and science.

My Skills

drawing of Morgan's Traffic Signal

Ideas for Solutions

Dedicated trailblazer and troubleshooter. I enjoy pondering everyday problems, and I find great satisfaction in developing systems that make life easier.

pic of wise owl

Teacher and Mentor

Highly motivated and enthusiastic educator with a heart to improve equity and accessibility. I have decades of experience working with children and adults in various educational environments.


I am committed to creating accessible, engaging, and responsive products with a mobile-first approach. My favorite projects express my creativity, and are thoughtfully written in clean code. The following examples showcase these qualities.

Amano Landing Page

Tools used: HTML5 and CSS3 with Bootstrap 5

amano Live Code

Animated Game

Tools used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6

game Live Code

Foster Dog Namer

Tools used: HTML5, CSS3 with Bootstrap 5, JavaScript ES6 with

React and Material-UI, JSON, Node.js, Express, MailChimp API

namer app Live Code

Get in Touch

if you are interested in networking.

I would love to connect with other aspiring software engineers and mentors. Also, please keep me informed of any meetups or hackathons happening in the NYC area!